In The News

Caught in the culture wars, teachers are being forced from their jobs
Let educators teach honestly. Mark Desetti Let educators teach honestly. Mark Desetti

Caught in the culture wars, teachers are being forced from their jobs

A Florida teacher lost her job for hanging a Black Lives Matter flag over her classroom door and rewarding student activism. A Massachusetts teacher was fired for posting a video denouncing critical race theory. A teacher in Missouri got the ax for assigning a worksheet about privilege — and still another, in California, was fired for criticizing mask mandates on her Facebook page.

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Analysis: How the Kansas Legislature avoids public scrutiny by hiding in darkness
Democracy and Transparency Mark Desetti Democracy and Transparency Mark Desetti

Analysis: How the Kansas Legislature avoids public scrutiny by hiding in darkness

The Kansas Legislature shields itself from public scrutiny through secrecy, confusing shell games and silenced opposition.

“The Legislature’s annual rites of secrecy serve special interests, not ordinary Kansans, and make it harder for voters to learn who is responsible for passing legislation adverse to the public interest,” said Max Kautsch, a 1st Amendment attorney, speaking on behalf of the Kansas Coalition for Open Government.

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