Putting Kansas Kids First.
Strengthening School and Community Partnerships
Kansas Kids First is a movement. It is a place for public school friends to find information, to learn about education issues, and to rally around our educators and our students.
▸ We believe that politicians should stop interfering in our classrooms.
▸ We believe in honoring the promises made to our schools by providing adequate and equitable funding.
▸ We believe in putting our trust in locally elected boards of education to protect the health and safety of our students.
▸ We believe in allowing our educators to teach honestly and help our students think critically.
▸ We believe in strong school-community-parent partnerships.
▸ We believe that our public schools are the backbone of our communities.
▸ We believe in rallying around our teachers.
Nearly every decision made by Legislators has an impact on the classrooms in your neighborhood school. Do you know who your legislator is and where they stand on the issues that matter most to you?